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The link should be set to the serum therapy site (https://www.serum-therapy.com/).
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To create a link
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Banner Image
Three different sizes of banners are available, and the HTML source is included for your convenience.

Serum therapy banner 234px x 60px
<a href="/" title="Serum therapy">
<img src="https://www.serum-therapy.com/images/bnr-234_60.png" alt="Serum therapy" width="234" height="60">

Serum Therapy Banner 125px x 125px
<a href="/" title="Serum therapy">
<img src="https://www.serum-therapy.com/images/bnr-234_60.png" alt="Serum therapy" width="234" height="60">

Serum Therapy Banner 120px x 60px
<a href="/" title="Serum therapy">
<img src="https://www.serum-therapy.com/images/bnr-234_60.png" alt="Serum therapy" width="234" height="60">