AMED Research Program on Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Disesses.
Study of antitoxins/antivenoms and their replacement by humanized monoclonal antibodies.[Ato Group]

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The future of serum therapy is described.

The Future of serum therapy

Understanding the mechanism of serum therapy, a clinician might expect that administering antibodies from the blood of patients who have recovered from infections such as severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) or Ebola, for which no treatment is currently available, would be effective. It is easy to imagine. In fact, serum therapy has been shown to be effective in Ebola and in animal studies of SFTS. The efficacy of serotherapy has also been studied for novel coronavirus infections. It is important to recognize that serum therapy is not a thing of the past, but a possibility for the future as a treatment for unknown viruses for which no treatment is available.